Are Well & Wonder products organic?
All our products are proudly certified USDA Organic with Oregon Tilth.
Are Well & Wonder products cruelty free?
All our products are cruelty free, never tested on animals and vegan.
How do I use Well & Wonder products in my daily routine?
We love using our Body Balm daily for a calming effect. Apply to temples, wrists or specifically where you have tension. Some of our customers love the smell and effects so much they choose to wear it daily.
What is your packaging made from?
We are committed to minimizing waste and lessening our impact on the environment.
Our packaging is made of plant fiber polymer (PFP), an environmentally friendly, sustainable material which is made from natural and renewable resources claimed from farm byproducts. The materials are the results of food farm harvest waste which otherwise would have been burned. Our external packaging is handmade paper made from bamboo printed with soy based ink in the most environmentally conscious process.
Where is your factory?
Proudly our USDA Organic certified factory and Certified B Corporation is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Is Well & Wonder safe for pregnancy and/or breast feeding?
Check with your doctor before using our Body Balm which contains St. John’s Wort. The Mayo Clinic advises not to use St. John’s Wort during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.
If I am taking a prescription drug can I use your product?
Check with your doctor before using our Body Balm, which contains St. John's Wort, in combination with any prescription drug.
What is the shelf life of Well & Wonder products?
Please use within 12 months of opening.
Does your brand give back or support any environmental organizations?
We started Well & Wonder with the main intention to help support our community and environment. Well & Wonder proudly gives back at least 1% of sales to charities that support equality, community, and caring for our planet.
How do you ship your products?
Our preferred shipping carrier is via UPS.
Can I sell your products on my own website or in my own shop?
Please email help@wwbody.com with details about where you'd like to sell our products.
Is your site in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Well & Wonder™ is committed to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. As part of our ongoing commitment, we are constantly working to improve our website to make it as accessible as possible for all. If you have any difficulty utilizing our site, questions about the accessibility of the site, or if you have suggestions on how we might improve the accessibility of the site, please contact us at help@wwbody.com. We will work with you to provide the information needed through a communication method that is accessible for you and consistent with applicable law (for example, through telephone support).
We have answers! Email us anytime to get clarification or get help finding a product that will work for you!